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Jeremy Trpka

"I type stuff and magic happens."

Hello, my name is Jeremy Trpka, as you might had guessed from my domain name. I am a full-stack developer, currently residing in the Detroit area, with around 10 years of experience. My previous experience had been a PHP programming developing WordPress websites by creating themes by scratch and developing extra features for the admin dashboard. Nowadays, I might consider myself a polyglot developer, and like to work with various technologies. Lately, the focus has been React development with some various backends like Node and Spring.

Photo of the Detroit skyline from across the shoreline. Photo by Anon from Pexels.

Currently, I work as a technical consultant for a major company across the world. There are times being that polyglot or a generalist does serve well, and I do like to expand my knowledge with different languages and frameworks. Besides working full-time as a developer in a consultant environment; this is also my hobby and you can check out some of my current works in my portfolio. Enjoy!

A group of people with laptops sitting around a wooden table. Photo by fauxels from Pexels.
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